We have just expanded the participant slots for the ‘2025 OCR 100m Official Competition in Yoshinogawa’.

We have expanded the participant slots to 100 to accommodate athletes who wish to compete.
2025年4月19日(土)に開催予定の『2025年OCR100m公式大会in 吉野川』は、当初、出場者枠を80名としていましたが、希望者が多いことを受けて、100名まで拡大しました。
The '2025 OCR 100m Official Competition in Yoshinogawa', scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 19, 2025, initially had a participant limit of 80. However, due to high demand, this has been increased to 100.
Therefore, there are still a few slots remaining for participants.
We warmly invite all athletes considering participation and look forward to meeting you on the Yoshinogawa course!
【『2025年OCR100m公式大会in 吉野川』概要】※2025年3月5日現在
大会名称:『2025年OCR100m公式大会in 吉野川』
開催日:2025年4月19日(土) ※雨天予備日:4月20日(日)
2025 OCR 100m Official Tournament in Yoshinogawa Overview (as of March 5, 2025)
Tournament Name: 2025 OCR 100m Official Tournament in Yoshinogawa
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025 (Rain Date: Sunday, April 20)
Location: JOSA-certified "Obstacle Sports Yoshinogawa Course" (683 Chiejima, Kamojima-cho, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima Prefecture)
Spectator Fee: Free
Host: Japan Obstacle Sports Association (JOSA) Shikoku Block
➁申込期間:2025年2月1日~2025年3月15日 ※定員となり次第締切
1.2024年4月の『オブスタクルスポーツデモ大会2024 in 吉野川』のタイムトライアルレースに出場した選手
2. 2024年10月の『第1回オブスタクルスポーツ(OCR100m)日本選手権』に出場した選手
Regarding Participants
1. Number of Participants: 100
2. Application Period: February 1, 2025, to March 15, 2025 (closed when full)
3. Participation Fee: ¥11,000 (includes injury insurance) *Participation fees are non-refundable if cancelled for personal reasons after payment.
4. Eligibility: Athletes registered as members of the Japan Obstacle Sports Association (JOSA) (registration will be completed simultaneously with the application this time. Entrance fee and membership fee are free for this year) and fulfilling at least one of the following conditions:
1. Athletes who participated in the time trial race of the "Obstacle Sports Demo Tournament 2024 in Yoshinogawa" in April 2024.
2. Athletes who participated in the "1st Obstacle Sports (OCR 100m) Japan Championships" in October 2024.
3. Athletes who have experienced the course at the "Obstacle Sports Yoshinogawa Course."
4. Athletes with experience in obstacle sports or similar competitions.
5. Year of Birth of Applicants: The following four classes are established, targeting athletes born in or before 2013.
o Male and Female Seniors: Born in or before 2007
o Male and Female U18: Born between 2008 and 2013