『2025年OCR100m公式大会 in 吉野川』競技概要
『2025 OCR 100m Official Competition in Yoshinogawa』Competition Overview
Ⅰ.競技方法/Method of competition
Overview: There are four categories, and for each category, both preliminary and final rounds will be conducted. The ranking will be determined based on the time taken to finish, clearing all 12 obstacles.
◎男子シニア 18歳以上(誕生年が2007年以前)
◎女子シニア 18歳以上(誕生年が2007年以前)
◎男子U18 12歳以上18歳未満(誕生年が2008年から2013年)
◎女子U18 12歳以上18歳未満(誕生年が2008年から2013年)
Class Division: There are four classes as follows:
◎Senior Men: 18 years old and above (born in 2007 or earlier)
◎Senior Women: 18 years old and above (born in 2007 or earlier)
◎U18 Men: 12 to 18 years old (born between 2008 and 2013)
◎U18 Women: 12 to 18 years old (born between 2008 and 2013)
Disqualification: In both the preliminary and final rounds, participants will be disqualified and not ranked under the following conditions:
【Senior Men】
◎Failing twice on the same obstacle
◎Failing to clear all 12 obstacles within 2 minutes
【Senior Women, U18 Men, U18 Women】
◎Failing three times on the same obstacle
◎Failing to clear all 12 obstacles within 2 minutes
Preliminaries: All registered participants can compete.
◎The competition will proceed in a format where two participants start simultaneously on two courses.
◎Each participant can run one round on each course.
◎Only the participants who clear all 12 obstacles within the specified time will have their fastest time considered for qualification to the finals.
◎After finishing the first run, participants can withdraw from the second run by following the specified procedures.
◎Participants can also choose to run only the second run by following the specified procedures and declaring so at least 20 minutes before the start of the preliminaries.
◎Participants who do not gather at the specified time for the first run will be disqualified.
◎The top 20 participants from the Senior Men class and the top 10 participants from the Senior Women, U18 Men, and U18 Women classes based on preliminary times will advance to the finals.
◎The competition will proceed in a format where two participants start simultaneously on two courses.
◎Each participant will run once on a designated course. The course will be determined by the event organizers.
◎Only participants who clear all 12 obstacles within the specified time will be considered for ranking.
◎Rankings will be determined solely based on the final round times.
◎The top 3 participants in each class will receive awards.
◎If there are fewer than 3 participants in a class, only those participants will receive awards.
◎Award winners will be presented with certificates.
Fastest Award
◎One male and one female with the fastest time records will each be awarded the Fastest Award.
◎The eligible times will be those recorded in the preliminary and final rounds.
◎The recipients will be awarded a certificate.
※All participants' performance results in both the preliminary and final rounds will be recorded as official records.
Ⅱ.服装規定/Dress Code
The following are not permitted and will result in disqualification:
◇Participation wearing spikes or tabi boots
◇Participation wearing a hat
◇Participation barefoot or with only socks
◇Wearing watches or accessories
◇Being under the influence of alcohol
◇Wearing attire deemed dangerous for the competition
◇Wearing attire deemed inappropriate for an athlete
The following are permitted:
◇The use of palm protection gloves (recommended)
◇The use of non-slip chalk
◇Wearing Sports Headbands
Ⅲ.競技ルール/Competition rules
If a participant falls off an obstacle, they must walk inside the course to the end of the fallen obstacle, go around the outside of the support post at the end, return to the starting point of the same obstacle, and can attempt the obstacle again.
For Obstacle 1: Giant Step, Obstacle 2: Monkey Bars, Obstacle 5: Wheel, Obstacle 7: Island Hop, and Obstacle 8: Rings, participants do not need to use all holds or all steps. However, for Obstacle 7: Island Hop, the first step must be used.
For Obstacle 2: Monkey Bars, participants' feet must not be higher than their shoulders.
➃ 第2オブスタクル:モンキーバー、第5オブスタクル:ホイール、第8オブスタクル:リングス、第10オブスタクル:クリフハンガーは、当該オブスタクルを最低一度はつかみ、終点に下がるベルを手で触れることでクリアとする。
For Obstacle 2: Monkey Bars, Obstacle 5: Wheel, Obstacle 8: Rings, and Obstacle 10: Cliffhanger, participants must grasp the obstacle at least once and touch the bell hanging at the endpoint with their hand to clear the obstacle.
➄第4オブスタクル:バランスビームは始点の支柱、終点の支柱をそれぞれ踏む形で通過しなくてはならない。 For Obstacle 4: Balance Beam, participants must pass by stepping on both the support post at the start and the support post at the end. ➅男子シニアクラス以外は、第6オブスタクル:2メートルウォールで踏み台を使用することができる(踏み台は審判員が用意する)。 Except for the Senior Men class, participants are allowed to use a step stool at Obstacle 6: 2-Meter Wall (the step stool will be provided by the referee). ➆男子シニアクラス以外は、第12オブスタクル:フィニッシュウォールでロープを使用することができる。男子シニアクラスの選手がロープを使用した場合、失権となる。 Except for the Senior Men class, participants are allowed to use a rope at Obstacle 12: Finish Wall. If a Senior Men class participant uses the rope, they will be disqualified.
Participants have the right to appeal the judgment they received to the Chief Referee.
Appeals must be submitted in the prescribed format with the necessary information and accompanied by a fee of 5,000 yen.
If the appeal is accepted, the participant will be allowed to retry the competition.
If the appeal is accepted, the appeal fee will be refunded.
If the appeal is not accepted, the participant will not be allowed to retry the competition, and the appeal fee will not be refunded.